The hectic lives we all lead mean that it's not always easy to remember to tell our loved ones how great they are - and how much we love them.
These little bags of thoughts are ideal for partners, parents, children, or even best friends – in fact, they are just perfect for anyone who is important to you. And at times when emotions are overwhelming – and talking to people can be just too upsetting – the Tiny Bag of Big Thoughts provides a focus, making it easier for you to express exactly how you feel.
Your loved ones will be able to keep your cards close at hand, ready to read on those days when life is getting them down. It will be a constant reminder of just how much they mean to you. And it will ensure that important things don’t go unsaid.
Just imagine the pleasure your loved one will experience when they open up this little bag and find your thoughts (and love) stored away there, just for them. How lovely that they will be able to keep them close at hand, ready to 'rescue' them on those days when life is getting them down, just by reminding them how much they are loved and valued. And what better way to boost a child's self esteem?
In fact, couldn't we all do with being reminded how special we are on a regular basis? Well, these tiny bags of thoughts can help you do just that. Included; 1 organza bag (7.5x10cm), approximately 25 cards with prompts (i.e. Remember when......., A favourite memory I have is........, I love you because..... ), and instructions.