Our Story

Kent mother of two, Julie Pinnell, dreamed up the idea of her Memories Books while pregnant with her first child at the age of 39. “I had lost all my grandparents by my teens and it came home to me, becoming a mother at a relatively late age, that my own children might not have much time with their grandparents. I wanted them to have a sense of family and to really know their grandparents – through their words and memories as well as face to face.”
Her first book was handwritten for her parents to complete, but the idea was so popular that Julie created Priceless Treasures.
What sets Julie’s business apart is that she is personally involved. People who buy her Memories Books email Julie to tell her what a difference they’ve made to their lives and Julie responds to everyone. Many of the stories bring a lump to her throat; including those who’ve found completed books when sorting through their relative’s belongings, or the couples who’ve learnt more about each other by filling in a book together, or grandchildren abroad who’ve been kept in touch with grandparents back in Britain through completed books.
Testimonials from customers tell their own story:
"I feel that there is still so much that I don't know about my parents past and as I have a grandmother with quite advanced dementia, I know from experience how easy it is to lost those precious memories." Lisa Toop
Julie is fluently passionate about the personal value of these books and she is available for interviews in print, on blogs, on radio, podcasts or television. Julie is articulate and happy to be interviewed about the importance of saving family memories and the need to preserve them for future generations.